In one week, the month of September shall roll around, unless you’re on the eastern coast of the US, then the hurricane might have sent you into another time zone. If so, good luck.
Here in PG we just missed being hit by Tropical Storm Harvey. It struck forty miles north of us, causing only a little damage and minor flooding. We were on high alert for a day or two, but nothing came of it.
The mountains of Honduras across from our house.
Prior to the storm warning, we, the Punta Gorda JVs, welcomed down the JVs of Belize City, as the last part of our Phase Two Orientation (In Country Orientation if you work for JVC and are trying to Phase Out Phase Two). There were twelve people staying in the house for a week, which, if you’ve seen it or watched the video tour I fabulously directed, filmed, and acted in, is really not a big house. We managed, with some couch sleepers and floor mattress rockers. Highlights of the week included a scavenger hunt around PG, swimming off the pier, jumping off waterfalls, and giving Greg and John a bit of orientation around the Toledo district, as they will be working out in the Mayan villages the next two years.
Hanging out at the waterfalls.
Jon's toe got infected by an ingrown nail, so he couldn't swim. Instead he wore my hat. His toe is better now.
Rain on water.
On one of the days, Jon (Landolfe), John (Rogers), Greg, and myself took a church truck, did some truck driving education, then drove out to the Guatemalan border. It’s an approximately two and a half hour drive through very beautiful land. At the border town, Jalacte, we parked, then crossed a river and hiked into Santa Cruz, the Guatemalan town over the border. Apart from purchasing a few Gallo beers, it was fascinating that a place like this can exist, where the border between two countries means absolutely nothing. People from both sides cross freely. We loaded up on some beers, then trekked back over the border and headed home. On the drive back, Greg noted that this was, “The greatest beer run ever.”
Thank you OPEC and Kuwait for building a highway to Guatemala. Further information on this will come later. A research paper is in the works.
Crossing the river into Guatemala.
Walking into town.
Trying some tasty tostados. These may have resulted in a few days of indigestion.
It was wonderful to have all the Belize City people down, but it was also nice when they left and we were able to get our house back into a reasonable state. Since our orientation is officially over, all of us have started getting back into work. I’ve been sitting in the library, fixing old books, putting envelopes and cards into new books, and making 1000 or so library cards. It is mostly tedious work, but quite enjoyable. I’m still waiting on paint for the mural to arrive, though I guess UNICEF is pretty slow in getting money through. Here’s what it looks like now:
Fresh looking library.
Apart from that, not much else is new.
I got an awesome donation in the library:
Greatest. Donation. Ever.
We watched Midnight in Paris last week. It is incredible. I highly suggest it, especially if you enjoy Hemingway.
There have been some great thunderstorms and sunrises of late.
And thus I leave you. School begins on September 5, so I shall let you know how life in the work place fairs in the next edition of the blog of Jeremy. Thanks for reading.